Let the Music Play on Shuffle

What I Learned Today: May 15th
12:15 a.m. 

It's raining outside. I'm at a desk on a 4th floor apartment in Wicker Park 
Sia's "Cheap Thrills" - my old runway song just started playing 

Last week I was on a date and part of the conversation turned to whether or not we live life creating opportunities or letting what comes our way take root. Today was a busy hectic Monday and I was on the go from 8-6:30 and then made my way over to church for the "Cookie Contest" our ward was having. 6 hungry dudes showed up with the best assortment of store-bought cookies that could be conjured up en route to a west side Chicago chapel during the rainy rush hours of a Monday evening. For my part, I brought two boxes of Girl Scout Cookies (overpriced for a good cause at $5 a box).

After the 15 minutes of jokes, we gave a prayer of gratitude for the cookies, I shared a few thoughts about how God has answered so many of my prayers through cookies, and then we "broke bread" and dispersed. Ever willing to prove that opportunity can come from the smallest slivers of circumstances, I walked to the gym and picked up a basketball. My friend Eric, a Minnesota transplant living in the loop for the summer joined me and before long, we were shooting 25-shot three-point rounds in an impromptu shooting workout.

It felt so good to have the ball back in my hands and to work on the tiny mechanics of my shot. It's been months since I've shot a ball, but the cadence of a dribble and the slow friction of a ball traveling from the shooter's pocket and rolling off your figures in a catapult motion and flying through the net - is a feeling that is pure therapy. It took an hour or so for me to hit my
stubborn goal of 13/25 - with several rounds resulting in a tantalizing 12/25 falling through and my final effort yielding a triumphant 14/25. The physical exercise felt good - and working up a sweat in a flannel and slim fit Tommy Hilfinger pants was totally worth it.

After returning home and making a few calls - I had a realization in regards to a perceived "problem" in my life. I realized I had been too focused not only on what I wanted, but also on what needed to be done - rather than loving those around me and being humble and patient. I have a lot to learn. Each small little stage of life can be beautiful, if we are humble, grateful and turn outward rather than inward. Are we ever happy when we were selfish? Are we ever sad that we were selfless? Falling short tonight, humbled me - and I'm committed to doing better.

I also had a few pleasant moments to reflect on my service in PRSSA. Wow, talk about a love affair for the books. It has been an amazing year, and I won't address yet all of the wonderful miracles and ways that I've seen God pour blessings into my life through this position - but tonight was another reminder that this is a special time and I have just a few short weeks left to put all of my beautiful music into this Society and the wonderful Committee that has supported me so far and the multitude of friendships that I've forged along the way. Life is beautiful when you can help people and pour yourself into those around you.


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