'A wild patience has carried me this far, and a patient wildness has brought me where I've come to be." 

While my motto for 28 was "Say yes to life in spite of all circumstances" - I feel like this is the new MO that describes my attitude and approach to life over the past few months. My life seems to switch between the two. A wild patience and a patient wildness. Both show restraint, but unleash an eclectic energy with power to propel me in many wonderful directions. 

A Wild Patience:
These are the Friday nights spent lifting weights or chipping away at a grad school project. The patience to stick it out when things get hard at work. The decision to exit a relationship where I may be settling. This bridled restraint has capacity to achieve marvelous results and I'm learned to employ it judiciously for this benefit. 

A Patient Wildness:
This is the run, unbounded. The push to explore and discover. The wild, breathless itineraries that push and push, maximizing the distance on each scare resource and making every effort to enjoy it all. 

Together they create the rhythm and flow of enjoying the beautiful moments along the way. 


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