6 Years Home - Seattle Doesn't Settle

Today now marks 6 years since I have returned home from my mission. 5 years ago from being accepted into the PR program at BYU; 4 years since Oxford; 3 years since I spent a summer in Washington D.C., with the United Nations Foundation; 2 years since I moved to Chicago & 1 year since I made the decision to move to Seattle and work for Weber. 

The paths of my life life have not gone as I have anticipated, but I have been free to choose these  paths and they have led to immense growth, learning, progression, service, friendships, love and deepened conversion. Am I more or less converted than I was 6 years ago? I would say more, but if anything, that conversion is now battle-tested. I have dated several wonderful young women, each with their own unique strengths, gifts, and beauties that have blessed my life immensely. 

I have traveled near and far and exposed myself to people and places that have shaped me in incredible ways. I have graduate and from college - found learning and education and begun my vocational career. I have established myself financially, expanded my mind and am pushing to be at my best physically. 

I've found several mountains to climb and enjoyed beautiful views after arduous climbs. I have not been perfect, and have fallen down many times. But a knowledge of God's goodness, love, mercy and grace have buoyed me up and pushed me forward to try, try, try again and to place my hand in the Savior's. 

Now I can say I have a changed heart, and a contrite spirit. A clear sense of purpose and understanding of who the Lord needs me to be. I am grateful for my blessings and appreciate my trials. I am better, stronger and more hopeful than before. 

Truly, the best is yet to come. Seattle doesn't settle, and neither will I. 


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