Free to Choose Happiness

Free to Choose Happiness 

Over the past week, I've studied Elder Dale G. Renlund's talk "Choose You This Day." Here are the lessons and insights I've gained about agency and the happiness God has prepared for each of us. 

We live in tumultuous times - both at a macro and a micro level. Pandemics, wars, catastrophes and shifting societal institutions threaten the stability and security of our communities. At a personal level, we face anxiety, isolation, influences from media, sources of addiction and worldly philosophies with mixed messaging surround us at every turn.

God has given us the power of choice 

But God has given us power. Our ability to choose through our individual agency, gives us the ability to overcome these difficulties and receive eternal happiness, joy and peace.

The Book of Mormon teaches us that our agency is a gift from God. A prophet named Lehi, taught his son Jacob:

  • We are free to choose liberty, eternal life and happiness through Jesus Christ 
  • We are free to choose captivity, death and misery through the Satan 

"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."  -2 Nephi 2: 27

Like all of us, I want to choose liberty and freedom. To choose the happiness. How? By choosing the Savior.

How Can We Choose the Savior? 

We can use our agency to choose the Savior as we do things that are good. A few ways we can do this include:
  • Good choices include: Gospel Library app, reading the scriptures, listening to uplifting music, reading good books, connecting with family and loved ones.
  • Using our phones/technology as a tool that will bring us closer to God, rather than tuning Him out or creating unnecessary noise.
  • Create time and space for where we allow God to speak to us and then quickly choose to act on the messages we receive from Him. 
  • Developing healthy habits and caring for our bodies in a way that allows us to make the best use of our agency. 
  • Prioritizing spending time in prayer at the beginning and end of the day and taking the time to record our thoughts and impressions and seek personal revelation from God.
  • Unconditionally commit to keeping the commandments.
  • Ask for forgiveness when we sin or make mistakes - then asking for help and accepting it so we can overcome our weaknesses. 
  • Spending time with the Savior through quiet in time in sacred places - whether in the Lord's house or in His creations. 
  • Choosing to humble ourselves through fasting and prayer when we feel our faith is lacking, when we need special guidance or revelation or when we are struggling with temptation. 

How Does the Savior Choose Us? 
Christ's advocacy is to remind us that He has paid for our sins and no one is excluded from the reach of God's mercy. 

By choosing to believe in Jesus Christ, repent, be baptized and endure to the end - we are reconciled and the Savior forgives us, heals us and advocates on our behalf. 

The order of this is significant to me. The Savior first relieves us of our burdens (forgiveness), repairs the damage that has been done (healing), and then works to provide us with the blessings that we need (advocates). 

A Warning and A Caution: Beware the Miserable Accuser
Elder Renlund reminds us to remember that there is opposition. Lucifer used his agency to become the "miserable accuser." He is the one who tells us we are not adequate, the one who tells us we are not good enough and there is no recovery from a mistake. He is the ultimate bully, who kicks us when we are down. 

His ways will never bring us peace or lasting happiness and are always founded on lies. His goal is onlyto destroy us. 

Christ however, is the helper and consoler. His ways always bring joy and hope - eventually and always. 

Commandments: The Choices God Wants Us to Make 
Commandments are directions from God found in His  scriptures that show us the choices we must make to follow the pathway home to God. 

Commandments provide us with the instructions needed to: 
  1. Develop attributes of godliness 
  2. Return to our Heavenly Father 
  3. Receive enduring joy 
When we choose to keep and follow the commandments, we knowingly choose God and His pathway home. 

In the Book of Mormon, Benjamin, an ancient Nephite king taught his people and invites us to consider those around us who keep the commandments and the blessings they receive - as well as the eternal reward available to all of us, if we use our power to choose righteously. 

"And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it." - Mosiah 2:41 

I appreciate the love God shows for us by giving us our agency and the ability to choose. 

I have seen to His tender mercies in His life - and the peace and happiness that comes as we choose to keep God's commandments. 

I am a witness of His Son Jesus Christ, and know that He paid of the price for each of us and our sins. He can forgive you. He can heal you. He will advocate on your behalf. 

I know that because of Christ, I am free. 

I am free to choose happiness and life eternal. I am free to be better, to improve and to live for a better, happier and more joyful future. 

I am free to choose repentance and forgiveness. I am free to choose peace and happiness.

I am free to choose the Holy Ghost to be my guide. I am free to choose to make and keep covenants and to receive the consequent blessings. I am free to choose to serve God and love His children. 

These freedoms are available to each of us, as we choose to follow the Savior. 


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